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UiPath eases users through onboarding with tutorials

Artificial intelligence! Automation! Robots! Oh my!  While these words may sound intimidating, UiPath aims to simplify workplaces through robotic process automation (RPA). With the tagline, “We make software robots, so people don’t have to be robots,” UiPath puts a playful spin on its platform. The cheery, personified robots throughout their website also add to the charm.

UiPath incorporates this playfulness into its user experience, too. A friendly hovering robot is included in the graphic that guides users to download UiPath Studio.  

Knowing that artificial intelligence can sound complicated, UiPath works hard to assure users that their platform is simple to use. The company also offers both videos and tutorials to assist new users.

What makes this really good UX:

  • The initial welcome window focuses on the ease of the platform and promises the user that a walkthrough will happen “in minutes.”
  • UiPath offers a number of onboarding resources that cater to different learning styles, including embedded YouTube videos and a sample process that users can work through.
  • The step-by-step video tutorial teaches new users how to begin creating an app or process, with reminders that they can pause the video or rewind if needed.
  • UIPath’s YouTube videos are engaging enough to maintain the user’s attention. The short duration helps new users understand the product’s value quickly and reach their “aha moment.”